Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thule Parts Low Cost Thule 9028 Vertex 2 Bike Hitch Rack<h3>thule Parts : Thule 9028 Vertex 2 Bike Hitch Rack Reviews</h3></br> <div Style="margin:0px;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:20px;display:none;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/ref=cm_cr_if_logo/183-3067072-6115548?ie=UTF8&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="113" Alt="" Height="23" Border="0" /></a> </div> <div> <div Style="float:left;margin-right:20px;display:none;"> <div Style="font-size:24px;letter-spacing:-1px;">Customer Reviews</div> <div Style="font-weight:bold;"> Average Customer Review </div> <div Style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span Class="crAvgStars" Style="white-space:no-wrap;"><span Class="asinReviewsSummary" Name="B00653VAOQ" Ref="cm_cr_if_acr_cm_cr_acr_pop_" Getargs="{&quot;tag&quot;:&quot;allaboutroadb-20&quot;,&quot;linkCode&quot;:&quot;xm2&quot;}"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="55" Alt="4.8 Out Of 5 Stars" Align="absbottom" Title="4.8 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp;</span>( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">4 Customer Reviews</a>)</span> </div> </div> <div Style="float:left;display:none;"> <div Style="display:block; Text-align:center; Padding-bottom: 5px;" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <b>4 Reviews</b> </div> <table Border="0" Cellspacing="1" Cellpadding="0" Align="left"> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">5 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="75%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:75%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(3)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">4 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="25%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:25%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(1)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">3 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">2 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">1 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><div Style="width:60px;">&nbsp;</div></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> </table> </div> </div> <div Style="clear:left;width:100%;"> <table Class="crIFrameReviewList"> <tr> <td> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3F8DWIGBM379R"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 3 Of 3 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Awesome Bike Rack</b>, <nobr>July 13, 2012</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">Scott</span></a> - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Vertex 2-Bike Carrier (Sports)</b> </div> I Love This Bike Rack. It Works Perfectly With My 2" Reciever. It Was Super Easy To Assemble For The First Time And Installs And Comes Back Out In Under A Minute. It Has Two Release Handles. The First Allows The Arms That Actually Hold The Bike Up To Tuck Away When Not In Use And Come Up When Needed. The Second Handle Release Down By The Hitch Allows The Rack To Lean Away From The Car Giving Me More Then Enough Space To Open My Cargo Area And Either Load Or Unload Cargo. The Rack Itself Has A Nice Heavy Feel To It That Makes You Think That It's Gonna Last. I Paid The Premium For The <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Thule Lock Cylinders</a> To Give Me A Little Piece Of Mind That When I Come Back Out To My Car That The Bike Rack Is Still Going To Be There. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3F8DWIGBM379R.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3F8DWIGBM379R.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RPV6R7UCTCPYR"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 5 Of 6 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Thule Bike Rack</b>, <nobr>May 3, 2012</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">Arosa</span></a> - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Vertex 2-Bike Carrier (Sports)</b> </div> Great Hitch Bike Rack. Solid Connection To My Hitch Does Not Move Back And Forth. The Anti Sway Frame Cradles Are A Plus As Well As The Release Lever To Gain Entry Into The Cargo Area. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RPV6R7UCTCPYR.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RPV6R7UCTCPYR.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3B8TP6O2BFVRY"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Absolutely The BEST Choice For A 2-Bike Hitch Rack</b>, <nobr>September 24, 2012</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">R�adh�n O'h-Iarnain "R�adh�n O'h-Iarnain"</span></a> (Pittsford, NY USA) - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Vertex 2-Bike Carrier (Sports)</b> </div> I Have Seen And Considered Many Types Of Racks For My Two Bikes. After Purchasing The Thule 9028 Vertex, I Was In Bike Heaven. This Rack Works So Well And Is So Versatile, I Couldn't Be More Pleased. Especially Nice Is That The Rack Tilts (and Locks) Away From My Toyota 4Runner So I Can Easily Open The Upward Swing Door For Any Reason. The Rack Can Then Be Simply Re-locked Into The Vertical Position. I Never Have To Remove It From The Hitch. It Becomes A Permanent Fixture On My SUV For Bike Transport. Buy Thule. The Engineering Is Fantastic (and More Than Worth The Higher Price)! <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3B8TP6O2BFVRY.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3B8TP6O2BFVRY.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div Style="display:none;" > Share Your Thoughts With Other Customers: <span Class="crIFrameCreateReviewButton"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";asin=B00653VAOQ&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;nodeID=&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="145" Alt="" Height="22" Border="0" /></a></span> </div> <span Class="small"><b><b Class="h3color">&rsaquo;</b>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">See All 4 Customer Reviews...</a></b></span> </div> </div> <div Id='be' Style='display:none;'><form Name='ue_backdetect'><input Name='ue_back' Value='1' Type='hidden'></form><script Type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){if(a.uet){a.uet("be")}if(a.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",a.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",a.onLdEnd)}}}if(a.ueh){a.ueh(0,window,"load",a.onLd,1)}if(a.ue_pr&&(a.ue_pr==3||a.ue_pr==4)){a.ue._uep()}})(ue_csm); /* ]]> */</script> </div> <noscript><img Height=1 Width=1 Style='display:none;visibility:hidden' Src='/gp/uedata/'183-3067072-6115548'?noscript&amp;id='10SDV66ZQ4APDC8SD9AS'' /></noscript> <script Type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){a._uec=function(d){var G=window,b=g.performance,f=b?b.navigation.type:0;if(f==0){var E="; Expires="+new Date(+new Date+1800000).toGMTString(),c=+new Date-ue_t0;if(c!=0){document.cookie="csm-hit="+(d/c).toFixed(2)+e+"; Path=/"}}}})(ue_csm); _uec(56471); /* ]]> */</script>

Product Description

This new hitch rack’s unique arc design makes it easier to load and unload, provides better ground clearance and gives you greater distance between your bikes for easy transport.

The Thule Vertex 9028 2-bike hitch mount bike carrier transports up to two bicycles securely at the rear of vehicles, while allowing access to rear doors by leaning the unit back when not loaded. The carrier is conveniently compatible with 1-1/4" and 2" hitch receivers. Additional features include: an arch design for easier bike loading and carrying performance, increased mast height, Thule Hold Fast cradles and anti-sway cages, the ability to fold arms down flat, bike and rack security from theft with locks (sold separately), and an integrated carrying handle.

The Thule Vertex 9028 2-bike hitch rack mounted on a car
Hitch mount receiver stowage for up to two bikes while maintaining access to rear vehicle openings.
View larger.

Two-bike Hitch Receiver Carrying Capacity

The Thule Vertex 9028 2-bike hitch rack carrier is designed for frequent cyclists and/or families that want the stability, and functionality of a hitch receiver carrier that can be left on vehicles without interfering with hatchbacks. The Vertex 9028 is compatible with 1-1/4" and 2" hitch receivers, and has a 2-bike carrying capacity managed by its two arched bike support arms. The naturally supportive arch design of the bike arms allows for easier bike loading and carrying performance. Thule Hold Fast cradles are installed on the arms. They feature a soft, single material cradle with a groove design that accommodates bike cables, cushions bikes and secures them during transport. In addition, straps used in cradles are 25% strong than current Thule T3 straps. To provide maximized bike stability, bike arms also feature anti-sway cages. Anti-sway cages are rigid rubberized bike rack components that attach to the lower edge of the bike arm, hanging below the bike cradle (one for each bike). As the top tube of bike frames rest on the carrier arms, the anti-sway cages attach to the vertical tube section of bike frames with included straps. This holds bikes firmly in place without the need of a heavy wheel tray sometimes used on hitch mount carriers. Bikes can be locked to the carrier with a cable lock (sold separately), and the carrier can be locked to a vehicle hitch receiver using a hitch receiver lock (sold separately).

The Hold Fast cradles and anti-sway cages of the Thule Vertex 9028 2-bike hitch rack
Hold Fast cradles, anti-sway cages and special arched bike arms in a carrier compatible with 1-1/4" and 2" hitch receivers.
View larger.
The hitch switch of the Thule Vertex 9028 2-bike hitch rack carrier
Improved hitch switch leans an unloaded carrier back for access to hatchbacks.
View larger.

Access to the Rear of Vehicles

The Vertex 9028 ensures easy access to hatchbacks is available through its leaning functionality. and improved hitch switch. With a pull of the lower release of the two-part hitch switch, the upright mast of the Vertex 9028 leans to the rear of the vehicle. Leaning functionality is best used when the carrier is unloaded to avoid unnecessary strain on cradles and no-sway cages. The upper release lever of the hitch switch controls the ability to fold bike arms down into a vertical position when the carrier is not loaded. This minimizes the possibility of driving and parking issues when the empty carrier is left on a vehicle.

Key Features

  • Hitch mount carrier for transporting up to two bikes
  • Compatible with both 1-1/4" and 2" hitch receivers
  • Arched mast and bike arm design for easier bike loading and carrying performance
  • Increased mast height for improved ground clearance
  • Hold Fast cradles cushion bike and provide maximum bike security
  • Reinforced cradle straps are 25% stronger than T3 straps
  • Anti-sway cages prevent bike-to-bike and bike-to-vehicle contact
  • Improved hitch switch folds arms down when not in use and tilts an unloaded carrier away from hatchbacks
  • Integrated handle for easy carrying and handling
  • Bikes lock to the carrier with a cable lock (sold separately)
  • Carrier locks to the vehicle with a receiver lock (sold separately)


  • Capacity - 4 bikes
  • Hitch receiver compatibility - 1-1/4" and 2"
  • Bike to carrier locking functionality - Yes (locks not included)
  • Carrier to vehicle locking functionality - Yes (locks not included)

Limited Lifetime Warranty

Thule will warranty all Thule brand car rack systems and its accessories manufactured by Thule during the time that an original retail purchaser owns the product. This warranty terminates if a purchaser transfers the product to any other person. No warranty is given for defects caused by normal wear and tear, cosmetic rust, scratches, accidents, unlawful vehicle operation, or modification of, or any types of repair of a load carrier system other than those authorized by Thule.

About Thule

Thule was founded in 1942 by the Thulin family, when Eric Thulin, a true lover of the outdoors, put the Thule name on a pike trap he designed and began to sell in Scandinavia. It wasn't long before he added other practical items to the company's portfolio. By the 1960s, the company began to concentrate on car-related products, including its first roof rack. The Thulin family sold Thule to the publicly listed company Eldon in 1979, and it has continued to grow both organically and through acquisitions ever since. The Thule Group is a world leader in providing transport solutions for an active life.

  • Hitch mount carrier for transporting up to two bikes - compatible with both 1-1/4" and 2" hitch receivers
  • Improved hitch switch folds arms down when not in use and tilts an unloaded carrier away from hatchbacks
  • Arched mast and bike arm design for easier bike loading and carrying performance and increased mast height for improved ground clearance
  • Thule Hold Fast cradles cushion bike and provide maximum bike security
  • Reinforced cradle straps are 25% stronger than T3 straps and anti-sway cages prevent bike-to-bike and bike-to-vehicle contact

Thule 9028 Vertex 2 Bike Hitch Rack Reviews

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thule Parts Affordable In The Harbor: Ultima Thule: Part II (Notable American Authors)<h3>thule Parts : In The Harbor: Ultima Thule: Part II (Notable American Authors) Reviews</h3></br> <div Style="margin:0px;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:20px;display:none;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/ref=cm_cr_if_logo/192-8374561-3273808?ie=UTF8&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="113" Alt="" Height="23" Border="0" /></a> </div> <div Style="font-size:24px;letter-spacing:-1px;">Customer Reviews</div> <div Class="crIFrameError"> <div Class="crIFrameErrorText">There Are No Customer Reviews For This Item.</div> <b Class="h3color">&rsaquo;</b> Be The First To <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/review/create-review/ref=cm_cr_if_wr_no/192-8374561-3273808?ie=UTF8&asin=0781238463&linkCode=xm2&tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">review This Item On</a> </div> </div> <div Id='be' Style='display:none;'><form Name='ue_backdetect'><input Name='ue_back' Value='1' Type='hidden'></form><script Type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){if(a.uet){a.uet("be")}if(a.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",a.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",a.onLdEnd)}}}if(a.ueh){a.ueh(0,window,"load",a.onLd,1)}if(a.ue_pr&&(a.ue_pr==3||a.ue_pr==4)){a.ue._uep()}})(ue_csm); /* ]]> */</script> </div> <noscript><img Height=1 Width=1 Style='display:none;visibility:hidden' Src='/gp/uedata/'192-8374561-3273808'?noscript&amp;id='12CRSQ4J80ACTYC72RCZ'' /></noscript> <script Type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){a._uec=function(d){var G=window,b=g.performance,f=b?b.navigation.type:0;if(f==0){var E="; Expires="+new Date(+new Date+1800000).toGMTString(),c=+new Date-ue_t0;if(c!=0){document.cookie="csm-hit="+(d/c).toFixed(2)+e+"; Path=/"}}}})(ue_csm); _uec(30745); /* ]]> */</script>

In the Harbor: Ultima Thule: Part II (Notable American Authors)

    In the Harbor: Ultima Thule: Part II (Notable American Authors) Reviews

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    Friday, September 28, 2012

    Thule Parts Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)<h3>thule Parts : Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) Reviews</h3></br> <div Style="margin:0px;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:20px;display:none;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/ref=cm_cr_if_logo/180-6536967-1450047?ie=UTF8&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="113" Alt="" Height="23" Border="0" /></a> </div> <div> <div Style="float:left;margin-right:20px;display:none;"> <div Style="font-size:24px;letter-spacing:-1px;">Customer Reviews</div> <div Style="font-weight:bold;"> Average Customer Review </div> <div Style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span Class="crAvgStars" Style="white-space:no-wrap;"><span Class="asinReviewsSummary" Name="B000CQ47H4" Ref="cm_cr_if_acr_cm_cr_acr_pop_" Getargs="{&quot;tag&quot;:&quot;allaboutroadb-20&quot;,&quot;linkCode&quot;:&quot;xm2&quot;}"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="55" Alt="3.7 Out Of 5 Stars" Align="absbottom" Title="3.7 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp;</span>( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">21 Customer Reviews</a>)</span> </div> </div> <div Style="float:left;display:none;"> <div Style="display:block; Text-align:center; Padding-bottom: 5px;" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <b>21 Reviews</b> </div> <table Border="0" Cellspacing="1" Cellpadding="0" Align="left"> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">5 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="38%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:38%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(8)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">4 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="28%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:28%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(6)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">3 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="9%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:9%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(2)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">2 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; 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</div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)</b> </div> This Product Works Well, But If You Plan To Keep Your Bikes Secure You Will Have To Make Some Changes. First Of All, If You Build It According To The Manufacturer's Instructions, Your Bikes Can Be Stolen Easily. This Product Offers ZERO Security, Making It Useless If You Plan To Stop Somewhere Before You Take The Bikes Off The Rack. The Pin Is A Joke, The System Requires The User To Literally Bolt The Rack To The Hitch, Which Is Totally Impractical, Furthermore Anyone With A Wrench Can Steal Both Your Bikes And Your Bike Rack. In Order To Secure The Rack To The Car, I Drilled Out The Threads Making The Hole Larger So It Could Accept A Lockable Pin Which Would Secure The Bike Rack To Our Vehicle. Given The Thickness Of The Metal, I Had To Invest In A $45 Drill Bit, Making This Bike Rack Much More Expensive.<br /><br />If Security Is Not An Issue For You, Then By All Means This Bike Rack Will Work For You, I Don't Think That The Pin That Holds The Rack To The Hitch Will Hold Up, So... <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Read More</a> <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R21SB1FJWOQ7ZY.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R21SB1FJWOQ7ZY.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comments (3)</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R8TCKOQWYYXQC"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 12 Of 12 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>This Is A Great Bike Rack For The Weekend Warrior</b>, <nobr>March 28, 2010</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">Steve "Weekend Warriors"</span></a> (Winston Salem, NC USA) - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)</b> </div> Read All The Reviews And Got This Bike Rack, We Are Going To Use It On Two Different Vehicles. The Rack Arrived In Two Days And Was Ready To Go Out Of The Box, Followed The Directions And Attached To Vehicle Without Any Problems. Put The Bikes On The Rack And Check To See What Else I Needed. The Bikes Did Not Move Once Attached, Also The Bikes Have A Heavier Frame Than Racing Bikes So They Fit Tighter To The Rack. No Problem. I Purchased A Locking Pin For The Receiver And A Lock System For The Bikes To Lock To The Rack, The Few Extra Dollars For Locks Was To Insure No Theft On Trips And Make The Vaction And Fun Time Worry Free. This Is A Great Rack For Those Who Don't Want To Spend A Lot To Get Started. Excellent Choice. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R8TCKOQWYYXQC.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R8TCKOQWYYXQC.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment (1)</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R11VU4NXS0K7RQ"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 20 Of 23 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="1.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="1.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Horrible Rack</b>, <nobr>September 29, 2008</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">E. Younan "Eric Younan"</span></a> (Detroit Area, MI) - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a><br /> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="return Amz_js_PopWin(this.href,'AmazonHelp','width=340,height=340,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,status=1');" ><img Src="" Width="70" Align="absmiddle" Alt="(REAL NAME)" Height="15" Border="0" /></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; </div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)</b> </div> This Is A Terrible Rack. It Does Not Hold The Bikes On Securely As The Straps Are Weak. I've Have Several Scary Highway Moments. Plus, It Does Not Separate The Bikes And Scratches And Dings Your Bikes. It Is Poorly Designed. Additionally, You Have To Buy A Locking Hitch Pin To Make It Secure. Do Not Buy It Unless You Want To Ruin Your Bikes. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R11VU4NXS0K7RQ.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R11VU4NXS0K7RQ.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div Style="display:none;" > Share Your Thoughts With Other Customers: <span Class="crIFrameCreateReviewButton"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";asin=B000CQ47H4&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;nodeID=&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="145" Alt="" Height="22" Border="0" /></a></span> </div> <span Class="small"><b><b Class="h3color">&rsaquo;</b>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">See All 21 Customer Reviews...</a></b></span> </div> </div> <div Id='be' Style='display:none;'><form Name='ue_backdetect'><input Name='ue_back' Value='1' Type='hidden'></form><script Type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){if(a.uet){a.uet("be")}if(a.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",a.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",a.onLdEnd)}}}if(a.ueh){a.ueh(0,window,"load",a.onLd,1)}if(a.ue_pr&&(a.ue_pr==3||a.ue_pr==4)){a.ue._uep()}})(ue_csm); /* ]]> */</script> </div> <noscript><img Height=1 Width=1 Style='display:none;visibility:hidden' Src='/gp/uedata/'180-6536967-1450047'?noscript&amp;id='1KW37S0ZDYNESPFCG4G7'' /></noscript> <script Type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){a._uec=function(d){var G=window,b=g.performance,f=b?b.navigation.type:0;if(f==0){var E="; Expires="+new Date(+new Date+1800000).toGMTString(),c=+new Date-ue_t0;if(c!=0){document.cookie="csm-hit="+(d/c).toFixed(2)+e+"; Path=/"}}}})(ue_csm); _uec(58072); /* ]]> */</script> Compare Prices

    Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)

    Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)

    Customer Rating :
    Rating: 3.7

    List Price : $179.95 Price : $161.95
    Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver)

    Product Description

    Solid Thule construction at a solid price

    Product Description

    The Thule Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Carrier Rack is an easy-to-use entry-level bike carrier that safely and conveniently transports up to 2 bikes. Hooking right into your vehicle's existing 2 inch hitch receiver, it makes getting your bicycles to and from the trailhead or other ride start point simple and worry-free. The Thule Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Carrier features rubberized cradles, which secure and protect your bike frames while holding them firmly and thanks to the dual arm design. There is no need for the top-tube adapters sometimes required for certain bikes - this carrier holds 'em all. Additional features include: the ability to tilt the carrier away from vehicle for trunk, hatch or tailgate access; durable construction; and compatibility with certain locking systems (sold separately).

    The Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Carrier Rack mounted on a car
    Soft rubberized cradles protect bike frames while holding them securely.
    View larger.
    Upright section of the Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Carrier Rack
    Locking pin release at rear of upright section allows you to angle the upright structure of the carrier back for access to hatchbacks
    View larger.

    Solid Entry-level 2-Bike Hitch Carrier

    Designed for durable entry-level use, the Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Carrier accommodates up to two bikes utilizing an the user's existing 2 inch hitch receiver at the tail end of your vehicle. (1¼ hitch receivers are not supported) The Parkway 2-Bike carrier is incredibly strong, stable and full featured, with durable high-strength steel construction and varied standard components, including: rubberized carrier arm cradles that prevent bike-to-bike and bike-to-vehicle contact which dramatically reduces the chance of scratches to vehicles and bikes and compatibility with certain locking systems (sold separately). These locking systems include: the Snug-Tite receiver lock, which virtually eliminates hitch rack movement in receiver and locks the hitch rack to the vehicle and Thule's 6 ft. Braided Steel Cable # 538, which locks bikes to the carrier.

    In addition, when not loaded with bikes the Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Carrier has the convenient ability to tilt its upright structure away from the vehicle that it is mounted on. Users simply need to remove the tethered safety pin and gently lower the entire upright assembly of the carrier to a built-in stopping position in the form of an angled contour at the outward end of the stinger component. This easy functionality allows for hatch or tailgate access (bikes must be removed first) and means that you can get to every corner of your vehicle when you want to, without having to remove the carrier. Also impressive is the Parkway's quick installation procedures. With significantly few parts to assemble than other carriers in its class and requiring only user-supplied socket and adjustable wrenches, the Parkway can be installed in no time at all by just about anyone, and removed just as easily.

    Key Features

    • Transports up to 2 bikes via a connection to your vehicle's 2-inch hitch receiver
    • Soft rubber cradles protect bike frame while holding it securely
    • Tilts away from vehicle for trunk, hatch or tailgate access
    • Also available in 4 bike hitch configurations
    • High-strength steel construction
    • 6 ft. Braided Steel Cable (#538, sold separately) locks bikes to the carrier
    • Snug-Tite receiver lock (sold separately) virtually eliminates hitch rack movement in receiver and locks the hitch rack to the vehicle


    • Load Capacity - 2 bikes
    • Fits 1¼ inch Hitch Receivers - No
    • Fits 2 inch Hitch Receivers - 1
    • One-Key System Compatible - Yes
    • Fits Most Bikes with Disc Brakes - Yes
    • For Tandem Bikes - No

    What's in the Box

    Thule Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Carrier Rack, all necessary mounting hardware/straps, and instruction guide and warranty information.

    Limited Lifetime Warranty

    Thule will warranty all Thule brand car rack systems and its accessories manufactured by Thule during the time that an original retail purchaser owns the product. This warranty terminates if a purchaser transfers the product to any other person. No warranty is given for defects caused by normal wear and tear, cosmetic rust, scratches, accidents, unlawful vehicle operation, or modification of, or any types of repair of a load carrier system other than those authorized by Thule.

    About Thule

    Thule was founded in 1942 by the Thulin family, when Eric Thulin, a true lover of the outdoors, put the Thule name on a pike trap he designed and began to sell in Scandinavia. It wasn't long before he added other practical items to the company's portfolio. By the 1960s, the company began to concentrate on car-related products, including its first roof rack. The Thulin family sold Thule to the publicly listed company Eldon in 1979, and it has continued to grow both organically and through acquisitions ever since. The Thule Group is a world leader in providing transport solutions for an active life.

    • 2 bike capacity 2" receivers only
    • Soft rubber cradles made to protect your bike frame while holding your bike securely
    • Fits all types of bikes with dual arm design
    • Can be upgrades with STL Snug tite hitch lock
    • Convenient vehicle access with tilt down feature

    Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) Reviews

    thule parts : Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) Reviews
    Customer Reviews
    Average Customer Review
    21 Reviews
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    56 of 61 people found the following review helpful
    2.0 out of 5 stars Thule 2 Bike Rack, May 24, 2008
    Louis Jimenez (Pompano Beach, Florida) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)
    This product works well, but if you plan to keep your bikes secure you will have to make some changes. First of all, if you build it according to the manufacturer's instructions, your bikes can be stolen easily. This product offers ZERO security, making it useless if you plan to stop somewhere before you take the bikes off the rack. The pin is a joke, the system requires the user to literally bolt the rack to the hitch, which is totally impractical, furthermore anyone with a wrench can steal both your bikes and your bike rack. In order to secure the rack to the car, I drilled out the threads making the hole larger so it could accept a lockable pin which would secure the bike rack to our vehicle. Given the thickness of the metal, I had to invest in a $45 drill bit, making this bike rack much more expensive.

    If security is not an issue for you, then by all means this bike rack will work for you, I don't think that the pin that holds the rack to the hitch will hold up, so... Read more
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    12 of 12 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars This is a great bike rack for the weekend warrior, March 28, 2010
    Steve "Weekend Warriors" (Winston Salem, NC USA) - See all my reviews
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)
    Read all the reviews and got this bike rack, we are going to use it on two different vehicles. The rack arrived in two days and was ready to go out of the box, followed the directions and attached to vehicle without any problems. Put the bikes on the rack and check to see what else I needed. The bikes did not move once attached, also the bikes have a heavier frame than racing bikes so they fit tighter to the rack. No problem. I purchased a locking pin for the receiver and a lock system for the bikes to lock to the rack, the few extra dollars for locks was to insure no theft on trips and make the vaction and fun time worry free. This is a great rack for those who don't want to spend a lot to get started. Excellent choice.
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    20 of 23 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars Horrible rack, September 29, 2008
    E. Younan "Eric Younan" (Detroit area, MI) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Thule 958 Parkway 2-Bike Hitch Mount Rack (2-Inch Receiver) (Automotive)
    This is a terrible rack. It does not hold the bikes on securely as the straps are weak. I've have several scary highway moments. Plus, it does not separate the bikes and scratches and dings your bikes. It is poorly designed. Additionally, you have to buy a locking hitch pin to make it secure. Do not buy it unless you want to ruin your bikes.
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    Thursday, September 27, 2012

    Thule Parts Price Compare Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier<h3>thule Parts : Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier Reviews</h3></br> <div Style="margin:0px;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:20px;display:none;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/ref=cm_cr_if_logo/175-6025946-0517511?ie=UTF8&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="113" Alt="" Height="23" Border="0" /></a> </div> <div> <div Style="float:left;margin-right:20px;display:none;"> <div Style="font-size:24px;letter-spacing:-1px;">Customer Reviews</div> <div Style="font-weight:bold;"> Average Customer Review </div> <div Style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span Class="crAvgStars" Style="white-space:no-wrap;"><span Class="asinReviewsSummary" Name="B0002MBPB4" Ref="cm_cr_if_acr_cm_cr_acr_pop_" Getargs="{&quot;tag&quot;:&quot;allaboutroadb-20&quot;,&quot;linkCode&quot;:&quot;xm2&quot;}"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="55" Alt="3.5 Out Of 5 Stars" Align="absbottom" Title="3.5 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp;</span>( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">13 Customer Reviews</a>)</span> </div> </div> <div Style="float:left;display:none;"> <div Style="display:block; Text-align:center; Padding-bottom: 5px;" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <b>13 Reviews</b> </div> <table Border="0" Cellspacing="1" Cellpadding="0" Align="left"> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">5 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="38%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:38%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(5)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">4 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="30%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:30%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(4)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">3 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">2 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; 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</div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)</b> </div> To Those Reviewers Who Had Problems With The Locks - Read The Instructions Carefully. They're Not Incredibly Clear And The Locks Don't Work The Way I Thought They Would So I Made My Life Difficult At First By Thinking I Knew Better Than The Instructions (yes, I'm A Guy). Eventually I Figured Out How Thule Had Designed The Locks And They Worked Flawlessly. They're Not The Strongest Locks In The World And I Think They'd Maybe Slow A Knowledgeable Thief Down A Few Minutes At Best.<br /><br />Installation Is Very Easy Once You've Got Past The 'fun' Of Assembly. You Basically Slide The Two Halves Apart Until It's Slightly Narrower Than Your Truck Bed, Put The Mount Across The Truck Bed, And Tighten It Up By Turning It Until You Can't Turn It Anymore. Then You Lock It In Place So It Can't Be Unturned And Loosened. If You're Lucky The Fork Mounts Are On Top. If They Aren't You Have To Decide Whether To Keep Turning Or Back-off Until They Are.<br /><br />The Mount Is Adequatly Robust And... <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Read More</a> <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R1ZMB8ZZN4W5OI.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R1ZMB8ZZN4W5OI.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3R4EUN5QUPYJX"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 5 Of 5 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Thule Bedrider 822</b>, <nobr>January 6, 2009</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">Goofy Jessie</span></a> - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)</b> </div> The Thule Bedrider 822 Has Worked Well For Me. I Drive A Honda Ridgeline And The Bedrider Was A Good Match For It. I Have Been Able To Transport Up To Two Bicycles (A Giant And A Raleigh)with No Problems. Of Course, I Further Secure Them With Tie Downs (peace Of Mind). As Far As The Delivery Was Concerned, The Bike Rack Delivered As Promised And On A Timely Manner. Shopping Through Amazon Is The Only Way Buy Things These Days For Me. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3R4EUN5QUPYJX.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R3R4EUN5QUPYJX.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comments (3)</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R37F0ZGBZ6U64C"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 3 Of 3 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="4.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="4.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Great Product And Easy To Install</b>, <nobr>June 9, 2008</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">S. Smith "Shane"</span></a> (Virginia Beach, VA) - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a><br /> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="return Amz_js_PopWin(this.href,'AmazonHelp','width=340,height=340,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,status=1');" ><img Src="" Width="70" Align="absmiddle" Alt="(REAL NAME)" Height="15" Border="0" /></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; </div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)</b> </div> This Was Almost Exactly What I Was Looking For In A Bike Rack For My Pickup Truck. No Drilling. It Is Held In Place By Tension And Rubber Pads. I Drove About 700 Miles With Two Bikes On It Without Any Issues. The Only Thing I Would Like To See Is A Way To Actually Lock The Bikes To The Rack. If I Could Have Done That I Would Have Given This A 5 Star Rating. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R37F0ZGBZ6U64C.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R37F0ZGBZ6U64C.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div Style="display:none;" > Share Your Thoughts With Other Customers: <span Class="crIFrameCreateReviewButton"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";asin=B0002MBPB4&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;nodeID=&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="145" Alt="" Height="22" Border="0" /></a></span> </div> <span Class="small"><b><b Class="h3color">&rsaquo;</b>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">See All 13 Customer Reviews...</a></b></span> </div> </div> <div Id='be' Style='display:none;'><form Name='ue_backdetect'><input Name='ue_back' Value='1' Type='hidden'></form><script Type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){if(a.uet){a.uet("be")}if(a.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",a.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",a.onLdEnd)}}}if(a.ueh){a.ueh(0,window,"load",a.onLd,1)}if(a.ue_pr&&(a.ue_pr==3||a.ue_pr==4)){a.ue._uep()}})(ue_csm); /* ]]> */</script> </div> <noscript><img Height=1 Width=1 Style='display:none;visibility:hidden' Src='/gp/uedata/'175-6025946-0517511'?noscript&amp;id='1F1QHGF31S796Y39A4KV'' /></noscript> <script Type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){a._uec=function(d){var G=window,b=g.performance,f=b?b.navigation.type:0;if(f==0){var E="; Expires="+new Date(+new Date+1800000).toGMTString(),c=+new Date-ue_t0;if(c!=0){document.cookie="csm-hit="+(d/c).toFixed(2)+e+"; Path=/"}}}})(ue_csm); _uec(57475); /* ]]> */</script>

    Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier

    Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier

    Customer Rating :
    Rating: 3.5

    List Price : $219.95 Price : $197.95
    Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier

    Product Description

    Corrosion-resistant aluminum telescoping load bar with integrated fork mounts carries two bikes in the back of a pick-up truck, no drilling or bolting required

    The Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier transforms your truck bed into a fork mount bike carrier for easy, convenient and secure transport. Designed for two bicycles of any size of kind, this carrier utilizes a combination of telescoping bar technology and easy-to-install Thule Low Rider Fork Blocks with fork clamping skewers that quickly and securely attach to bikes via the dropouts exposed along their front forks when the front tire is removed. Additional features include: the ability to both lock bikes to the carrier and the carrier to the truck bed with additional lock cylinders, compatibility with full size and small pick-up beds and tool-free installation.

    A Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier mounted in a truck bed and holding a bike
    Conserve rack space by transporting up to 4 kayaks stacked on.
    View larger.

    Tool-free Transformation of Truck Beds Into Fork Mount Carriers

    The Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Carrier is a fork mount bike carrier that is designed to quickly transform your truck bed into a mobile 2-bike rack that can be expanded to transport even more bikes as the need arises. Built around a telescoping bed bar, the Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier features virtually tool-free installation with no drilling or bolting required and utilizing only an included tamper-proof wrench for its quick installation.

    Using the Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier in the field
    Quick, tool-free installation of Stacker support assemblies allow for two kayaks per carrier.
    View larger.
    The telescoping bed bar with mounted low rider fork blocks of the Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier
    Folds down to an aerodynamic profile for low wind resistance when not in use.
    View larger.

    The telescoping bed bar of the Thule 822XT Bed Rider Fork Mount Carrier extends out to fit almost any size truck bed, large or small, with the furthest points of the bar capped with perpendicular angled rail feet. To attain a firm hold the bar is placed near the front of the bed, but not flush against it, with the rail feet resting along the edge of the side walls of the bed, but not overly tight. Next, with the cam handle clamp at one end of the bar open, the middle portion of the bar is rotated, which extends the bar tightly against the truck side walls on both sides. Once firmly in place the cam handle can be clamped shut and locked using a lock option installed in the handle. This secures the entire carrier to the truck bed. Once the bar is securely in place any remaining lock cylinders should be installed into the two low rider fork blocks. (Additional lock cylinders may need to be purchased to secure the cam handle clamp and the two Low Rider Fork Blocks) The Low Rider Fork Blocks, with the fork clamping skewers running through them, are then attached directly to the bed bar using the included tamper-free wrench. Bikes are mounted to the Low Rider Forks Blocks via your bikes' front fork dropouts exposed when their front tires are removed and stowed in the the trunk bed. Once clamped into place by the skewer running through the blocks, bikes can be locked to the carrier with the lock embedded in the Low Rider Block.

    Key Features

    • Carry 2 bikes in the bed of your pickup truck with no bolting or drilling with this integrated fork mount carrier
    • Telescoping and adjusting bar to fit full-size and small compact pickup truck beds
    • 9mm quick-release fork mount skewer holds fork in place for stable and secure bicycle transport
    • Fits full size and small pickup beds (compatible with most bed liners)
    • More bikes can be fit with the Bed-Rider Add On Block (#BR1, sold separately)
    • Includes 1 One-Key lock cylinder


    • Load Capacity Bikes - 2
    • Fits Most Bikes with Disc Brakes - Yes
    • For Tandem Bikes - No
    • Bike Locks to Carrier - Yes
    • Carrier Locks to Vehicle - Yes
    • One Key System Compatible - Yes

    What's in the Box

    Thule 822XT New Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier (including an adjustable bed bar, 2 Low Rider fork blocks with fork clamping skewers, 2 underbar mounting plates, 2 lock cylinders and keys, and mounting hardware), a tamperproof wrench, instructional guide and warranty information.

    Limited Lifetime Warranty

    Thule will warranty all Thule brand car rack systems and its accessories manufactured by Thule during the time that an original retail purchaser owns the product. This warranty terminates if a purchaser transfers the product to any other person. No warranty is given for defects caused by normal wear and tear, cosmetic rust, scratches, accidents, unlawful vehicle operation, or modification of, or any types of repair of a load carrier system other than those authorized by Thule.

    About Thule

    Thule was founded in 1942 by the Thulin family, when Eric Thulin, a true lover of the outdoors, put the Thule name on a pike trap he designed and began to sell in Scandinavia. It wasn't long before he added other practical items to the company's portfolio. By the 1960s, the company began to concentrate on car-related products, including its first roof rack. The Thulin family sold Thule to the publicly listed company Eldon in 1979, and it has continued to grow both organically and through acquisitions ever since. The Thule Group is a world leader in providing transport solutions for an active life.

    • Carries 2 bikes in the back of a pick-up truck with no need for drilling or bolting
    • 9mm quick-release fork mount skewer holds fork securely in place
    • Adjusting bar fits full size and small pickup beds; compatible with bed liners
    • Corrosion-resistant aluminum telescoping load bar
    • Includes two locking Bed-Rider fork blocks, and a single One-Key lock cylinder

    Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier Reviews

    thule parts : Thule 822XT Bed-Rider Fork Mount Carrier Reviews
    Customer Reviews
    Average Customer Review
    13 Reviews
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    7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars Well designed and made but a bit pricey, November 22, 2010
    Terry Hutt (Running Springs, CA) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)
    To those reviewers who had problems with the locks - read the instructions carefully. They're not incredibly clear and the locks don't work the way I thought they would so I made my life difficult at first by thinking I knew better than the instructions (yes, I'm a guy). Eventually I figured out how Thule had designed the locks and they worked flawlessly. They're not the strongest locks in the world and I think they'd maybe slow a knowledgeable thief down a few minutes at best.

    Installation is very easy once you've got past the 'fun' of assembly. You basically slide the two halves apart until it's slightly narrower than your truck bed, put the mount across the truck bed, and tighten it up by turning it until you can't turn it anymore. Then you lock it in place so it can't be unturned and loosened. If you're lucky the fork mounts are on top. If they aren't you have to decide whether to keep turning or back-off until they are.

    The mount is adequatly robust and... Read more
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    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Thule Bedrider 822, January 6, 2009
    Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
    This review is from: Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)
    The Thule bedrider 822 has worked well for me. I drive a Honda Ridgeline and the bedrider was a good match for it. I have been able to transport up to two bicycles (A Giant and a Raleigh)with no problems. Of course, I further secure them with tie downs (peace of mind). As far as the delivery was concerned, The Bike Rack delivered as promised and on a timely manner. Shopping through Amazon is the only way buy things these days for me.
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    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars Great Product and easy to install, June 9, 2008
    S. Smith "Shane" (Virginia Beach, VA) - See all my reviews
    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: Thule Bed-Rider Bike Carrier (Misc.)
    This was almost exactly what I was looking for in a bike rack for my pickup truck. No drilling. It is held in place by tension and rubber pads. I drove about 700 miles with two bikes on it without any issues. The only thing I would like to see is a way to actually lock the bikes to the rack. If I could have done that I would have given this a 5 star rating.
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